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Some views of a meter gauge track in Belgium

Verfasst: 15. Oktober 2006, 22:35
von steamystef

Afflicted to communicate in English but my German is not very good.

Well, just a little topic to give you some information about the "Tramway Touristique de l'Aisne" in Belgium. A tramway line in meter gauge old of 40 years since the 25 june 2006.
We have 5 autorails from the former SNCV and 4 steam engines. We have also 70 wagons and carriages. Here are some views:

One of our steam engines, this one can be in working order for 2009 or so.


One of our typical train at Forge à la plez

An other one at Pont d'Erezée, the main station of the touristic line:


Near the current end of the line, 9km of Pont d'Erezée:


And here are some old views:






I hope you like these pictures.

Steamy Stef from Belgium
Tramway Touristique de l'Aisne
A meter gauge track in the province Luxemburg

Verfasst: 16. Oktober 2006, 09:30
von timobahn
Hello Steamy Stef,

my english is not very good. My french is a little bit better, but i don´t know the how other can understand this. I hope that my text ist to understand.

First i will welcome You in this forum.
Then i will say that Your Pictures are very nice. I find that the locomotives-tramway are very interesting machines. Sometimes i want to built one in the Scale 0e.


Mein Englisch ist fürchterlich. Was ich damit eigentlich sagen wollte (und was mir hoffentlich wenigstens sinngemäß gelungen ist):

Die Bilder sind sehr schön. Und gerade Tramway-Loks sind für mich sehr interessant und irgendwann möchte ich so eine in 0e mal bauen.


Verfasst: 9. März 2007, 11:27
von hfy
Das Buch von Pierre Roovers über die Tramwayloks der SNCV ist vergriffen, soll aber neu erscheinen.
