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Flooding in Steyr.

Verfasst: 25. Juni 2009, 08:30
von Henrik
Just watching the news in New Zealand where they said there has been serious flooding of the river Enns involving the town of Steyr. Just wondering if all this devastation has affected the Steyrtalbahn. Hoping someone can fill the gaps and provide some up to date information.

Verfasst: 25. Juni 2009, 13:21
von flobra
Hello Hendrik,

The Steyrtalbahn isn't affected by the floods. My Grandvater lives near the Lokalbahnhof and yesterday he said that the Steyrtalbahn is not affected.
Thank God!

lg fb :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Verfasst: 25. Juni 2009, 16:38
von BernhardFloss
Die Steyrtalbahn ist im Hochwasserschutzprogramm einbezogen worden. Sämtliche Arbeiten die die Bahn betrefen gehen auf Kosten der Stadt Steyr. Errichtung einer Mauer bei der Haltestelle Unterhimmel dadurch Verlegung der Haltestelle richtung Steyr. Es war auch im Gespräch die Bahn auf einen Hochwasserschutzdamm zu verlegen.

Verfasst: 25. Juni 2009, 20:27
von Flohhax
Aber solange das Gleis auf der falschen Seite des Hochwasserdammes liegt, bringt der höchste Damm nichts!

Hier gibts ein paar Bilder von der Haltestelle Unter(wasser)himmel: ... _photo.php

keine Angst am Wochenende wird wieder planmäßig gefahren!!!

Verfasst: 25. Juni 2009, 21:53
von Henrik
Aboslutely amazing. Really sad to see all the flooding through such a historic area. Thanks for the sites and replies. I have modelled Steyrtalbahn for 30 years now in HOe and Garden scale and, whilst never visited the area, Have as many books and videos as are available. It is my life long dream to visit the area.

In New Zealand we marvel at the age of our old buildings :grin: (NZ is nearly 200 years old) and it is not until you visit Europe that you realise our buildings pale into insignificance to ones in Europe. Most of our buildings are built of wood too which really makes the last not a long time. Also living in an area famous for volcanic activity and earthquakes makes for short lives of buildings.

I have a love of the Steyrtalbahn, Bregenzerwald, Gurktal and Salzkammergut Lokalbahn. All of these lines I try to incorporate into my modelling but it is mainly the Steyrtal that holds my main interest.

Thanks Again and I look forward to more news.


Verfasst: 26. Juni 2009, 12:28
von Klaus
[2004:] “Because of Steyr's position at the confluence of the Steyr and Enns river, it is prone to floods. In general, the city is pretty prepared to handle the normal flooding. But just recently (as of me writing this text) Much of Central Europe was under a deluge of rain which led to severe flooding in many cities and towns. Steyr was victim to a terrible flooding. There is a building on your way to the Michaelerkirche that bears the markings of each flood that has occurred over the past several decades. It's interesting to see how often the city has had to recover from these natural disasters.
In the picture, you can see which was the most recent flood. The marker is fresh and blackest.”

(source incl. picture of the flood markings > )

* recent video (June 24th):
Henrik hat geschrieben:I have modelled Steyrtalbahn for 30 years now in HOe and Garden scale ...
Maybe you would present some pics or put a site-link to your pics hoster? Certainly a lot of the cats here would be interested in your modellings!

Greets, k.

Verfasst: 27. Juni 2009, 06:22
von Henrik
Yes will do tomorrow as I am just back from work (driving trains) and am going out for dinner. Will post pics of my HOe layout called Neuzeug.

Verfasst: 29. Juni 2009, 03:11
von Henrik
Here are a selection of Photos of my layout called Neuzeug. It was loosely based of two scenes from the Steyrtalbahn. The layout was built from two 1200 x 600mm boards and each scene was on each board. It was powered by Trix DCC and ran like a dream. I toured quite extensively with and it won best in show several times. It was probably my best peice of work and at the time was very proud of it. Enjoy.


Verfasst: 29. Juni 2009, 03:18
von Henrik
The layout is two boards that are of a station scene and a scene from the Waldneukirchen area that I saw on a Bryan Benn video.